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Forward Price-to- earnings

Forward Price-to- earnings.png

Forward PE ratio - U.S. growth relative to value

Forward PE ratio - U.S. growth relative to value.png

Europe relative to the U.S. (forward P/E ratio)

Europe relative to the U.S. (forward P:E ratio).png

Annual volatility has averaged 15.4% over the past 50 years

Annual volatility has averaged 15.4% over the past 50 years.png

% of BBB in global credit index & US corporate BBB as % of US HY market value

% of BBB in global credit index & US corporate BBB as % of US HY market value.png

U.S. 10-Yr. treasury bond real total return index 1926 to date

U.S. 10-Yr. treasury bond real total return index.png

Treasuries perform nearly the same as the full investment-grade index

Treasuries perform nearly the same as the full investment-grade index.png

Investment-grade bond credit spread

Investment-grade bond credit spread.png

Correlation between stock and bond returns

Correlation between stock and bond returns.png

Worst 5 drawdowns for the S&P 500 index Vs. managed futures index

Worst 5 drawdowns for the S&P 500 index Vs. managed future index.png

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